In the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), prayer is a way to communicate with God, express faith, and receive God's gifts. It is also a way to recognize God's presence and to be changed by God.
What is prayer in the LCMS?
.. A conversation with God Prayer is a way to talk with God, listen to God, and be conscious of God's presence.
.. An expression of faith Prayer is a way to express faith in God and to believe that God will hear us.
.. A way to receive God's gifts Prayer is a way to receive the gifts that God has for us and others.
.. A way to be changed by God Prayer is a way for God to change us and move us from self-focus to community focus.
How do we pray in the LCMS?
.. We pray in obedience to God's command.
.. We pray in Jesus' name, trusting in his promise.
.. We pray for the eternal things, like God's kingdom and will, and for the temporal things, like daily bread.
.. We pray for our neighbors, congregations, districts, and district presidents.